
Connect out shipping software directly to your FedEx account. You’ll get access to our advanced features for FedEx shipping. Our software supports both domestic and international shipping for streamlined labeling and documentation. Sync updates back in real time to your stores and your customers with order tracking numbers and status updates. You’ll be able to access negotiated shipping rates directly in our platform. From Amazon to Etsy, eBay, Shopify, and more, XPS will help you streamline your shipping and fulfillment process. Get all these features and more with zero user fees, no limits on volume, stores, channels, or carriers. Save more and do more with XPS.

XPS Supported Features for FedEx

  • Domestic and international shipping
  • Negotiated rates
  • Batch processing
  • Assign mapping and rules to your customers
  • Sync order and carrier information to your store and your customers
  • Multi-carrier support
  • Label customization